BLENNZ Learning Library

Te Kotuituinga Mātauranga Pura o Aotearoa

Intermediate student learns about money and develops budgeting skills

September 1, 2013 by blennzict | 0 comments

Figure 1 - David out shopping

Figure 1 – David out shopping

David is an 11 year old who started at his local intermediate in Term 1 of 2012.

David is supported by a  Resource Teacher Vision, Soong Joseph and is learning about money and budgeting.

Figure 1 shows David out shopping and using money. Continue Reading →

Student develops technology and self-advocacy skills while learning about her visual needs

August 5, 2013 by blennzict | 0 comments

Dulcie using her camera

Figure 1: Dulcie using her camera independently

Dulcie is an 11 year old girl who is in Year 6 at her local school.

While learning to use her laptop and digital camera, Dulcie, with the support of Jacqueline Killip her Resource Teacher Vision, created a Powerpoint which explained her eye condition and her visual needs.

Dulcie has Achromatopsia and her Powerpoint has provided her with a tool for self-advocacy.  Figure 1 shows Dulcie using her camera independently. Continue Reading →

Maths money for Level 1 braille student

August 4, 2013 by blennzict | 0 comments

Tactually learning to recognise NZ coins

Figure 1 Learning to tactually recognise NZ coins

Ben is a 12 year old intermediate student who is working at Level 1 numeracy.  This year, he is using braille as his primary learning tool.  Prior to this, he was learning braille and print.

Ben has an individual learning programme and is integrated into class activities as appropriate.  In figure 1 Ben is learning to tactually recognise NZ coins.

Ben’s BLENNZ Resource Teacher Vision Trish Bishop talks about how a numeracy program focusing on life skills is helping Ben develop confidence and independence. Continue Reading →

Developing Geometry Skills for Blind Learners

August 1, 2013 by blennzict | 0 comments

Developing hand control

Developing hand control

Shannon is a Year 6 braille student who will be transitioning to intermediate school in 2013.

At the Wellington Visual Resource Centre we are developing key maths skills with two braille learners.

We have been looking specifically at graphing, reading textbooks, abacus skills and geometric drawing skills.

Here Alison Prskawetz, Resource Teacher Vision talks about how the students focused on using a compass and drawing circles.

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